Wednesday, 19 November 2008

Anti-Bullying Week

As part of Anti-Bullying week year 3 have looked at a painting by the artist Lowry called 'The Fight' We talked about who the victim was in the painting and how they might be feeling. We used drama to act out the scene. The children took on the role of the onlookers and thought about how they would feel if they saw this happening. We talked about how a persons' emotions can be seen in their face and we used this idea to create masks that would show how the onlookers at the fight might be feeling. We're going to share our masks with the school in our Blue Friday assembly.

Luke: My onlooker is upset because they don't like bullies and they don't think it's nice.
Amy: My onlooker feels petrified because she doesn't know what will happen.
Dima: My onlooker is feeling sad because he doesn't want to get involved if he says stop.

Masks of the onlookers at 'The Fight'
Masks of the Bully at 'The Fight'

My onlooker is scared because they don't want to get involved.

My onlooker is petrified because they don't like it and it isn't nice. They are scared

This onlooker is concerned because he doesn't like bullying.

My onlooker is scared because it would be frightening to see it happen and upsetting to see someone get hurt.

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